Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March definitely came in like a lion....which is leaving us with a soggy month.  The kids need to have all their snow gear but it is getting quite wet.  An extra pair of socks in their backpack is a good idea.  No matter where they go there are endless possibilities of getting soaked.

We have just finished learning about American symbols.  The kids chose which symbol they wanted to research and I set up some on-line sites for them to use.  They shared out with the rest of the groups and made some fun projects to report out what they learned.  We are now focusing on "Where we Live" and "Maps".

We normally start our "Rocks" science unit but have decided to wait until the end of March in hopes that the kids can actually find rocks outside.  

I am very excited to share reading and writing progress with you at conferences.  They are becoming so independent!

I will also be sharing the 5 Math tests we have taken during the past semester.  We have been working on fact fluency and facts up through 20 more then ever.  If you are looking for a car ride activity have your child count by 10s going backward and forward starting at random numbers.  This works for counting by 2's and 5's also.  Skip counting forward starting at the beginning is easy...challenge them to start anywhere up through 120.

I have had many inquire about the zoo.  Letters will be coming in April.
See you next week at Conferences!
Mrs. Heinitz